Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tube Box Art, Part 13: Rebranders


I haven't done a tube box art post in a while. So I rummaged through my stash of TV damper tubes and picked some boxes of so called rebranders. These are companies who did not produce tubes themselves. They bought the tubes from one of the major manufacturers and had them branded with their own label and packed in boxes with their own brand name.

Some of them were equipment manufacturers who offered replacement tubes under their own brand. It was also quite common for some large retailers to have their own tube brand.

Selectron 'Quik-Chek' quite remarkable the unconditional warranty for one year:

A brand called 'Sheldon'. Could be interesting for fans of the famous sitcom 'The Big Bang Theory':

Sheldon was a brand of Allied Electronics who also sold tubes under their own name:

I like this one a lot 'Chief brand' Electron Tube:



Lafayette, guaranteed for 2 years!

The next one is from a equipment manufacturer:



Realistic Liftime Electron Tube, a brand of Radio Shack:

CM Curtis Mathes, probably a manufacturer or retailer of HiFi equipment:

Triad Tube Corporation:

Channel Master:

International Service Master a supplier for spare parts:

When you buy a lot of tubes, you will probably have gotten some in this 'Standard Brand' box:

This was probably just a generic box which the typically hand written tube type indicates:

I hope you enjoyed this tube box presentation!

Best regards



  1. Curtis Mathes was a manufacturer of very expensive console televisions in the '60s and '70s. They had electronics made in Japan inside very nice wooden cabinets that were made in the USA. He died tragically in a plane accident when someone was smoking in the restroom and it caught fire. After the plane landed everyone escaped safely except him and he died of smoke inhalation.

  2. Hi!

    Thanks for providing this information!


  3. Is the Triad Tube box from the same Triad tube company from Pawtucket Rhode Island during the 20"s? The logo is not the same at all but it's the same time frame.

    1. Hi! Sorry I don't have any further information about this company
