I am getting quite a few requests for amps with power supplies using mercury vapour rectifiers lately. Like the recently shown Octal Preamp and 6CB5A power amp.
This time it is a set of power supplies which are meant to be used with SE 300B mono blocks. The amps itself still need to be built as I am waiting for some custom transformers for them. But the PSUs are already finished.
These use a set of 866A mercury vapour tubes.
Here is one power supply operating with a previously built 300B amp:
Another view:
The greenish tint in these pictures is due to he light conditions during night. In reality it is blue.
Top view of the PSU:
Front view:
The hybrid arrangement with the two 6AX4 in the rectifier bridge provides a slow warm up which can be nicely seen in this video clip:
The blue glow comes on gradually as the heaters of the 6AX4s warm up and the TV dampers start to conduct. Another video from a different angle:
And a video taken in total darkness:
A photo showing the hybrid bridge:
Close up to the 866A:
Best regards