Sunday, June 19, 2016

Music : Dreams of a Chinese Opera


In the retrospective post about the High End show 2016 I mentioned the discovery of some interesting music and as promised I am presenting that record today.

The record is called Dreams of a Chinese Opera II. It is contemporary classical Chinese music. A genre which is probably quite unheard of in the western world.

The record is published by Rhymoi, a Chinese label which is specialised in this type of music. The records are actually made in Germany. The music is also available on CD. During the High End fair Mr Ye, the producer of this record visited our room and asked if we would like to play a record. We are always happy to play visitors records. This is a great opportunity to discover some new music. And this one was a very pleasant surprise. We did not know what to expect. The whole room was very quiet when the first beautiful sounds came off the vinyl. What beautiful music. It is actually a mix of classical western orchestra with traditional Chinese instruments. The audience was quite awed by the music as I was myself and Mr. Ye received applause for providing us with this treat.

In addition to the beauty of the music it is also very well recorded and the vinyl is of superb quality with low surface noise. The tone is very rich in harmonics and colourful.  A pleasure to listen to.

Such kind of music deserves more exposure outside of China and I am trying to arrange the import of some of these records for distribution in Europe.

Here a video clip with the first track of the record for you to enjoy:

Many thanks to Mr. Ye for letting me have this album which I enjoyed a lot since we met in Munich.

Best regards



  1. Yes, beautiful indeed. I seem to remember this album from a few years back (2009-ish..?). Is this a re-issue? Is the vinyl a transfer from the CD?

  2. I've seen your youtube video, and would really like to have this record. Any idea where on can buy this on lp?

    1. As far as I know it is currently only available in China. I am trying to import some
