Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Live from Munich : High End 2017 - Part 1, Setting Up


Yesterday we arrived in Munich and started set up of room F231e.

As in the last years I am giving some previews from the set up days and will also write some posts during the show.

Some early birds start to set up on Monday.

First step to get everything into to the room and to start unpacking.

Charles assembles the Sphera horns.

These come in a beautiful blue.

Hooking up the amps.

As every year the first thing operational is the coffee machine.

The Hadron speakers:

While the assembly of the big horns was in progress, I hooked up the Hadron to get first sound:

Yes! First Sound on Monday! This is always a great moment of relief. Things survived the trip. And  we can continue to set up the room and prepare for the show.

The room starts to take shape and the big speakers are ready as well.

And are playing:

Others are not as far yet. At a quick visit to Silbatone all that could be seen were rows of huge containers blocking the hallway.

Stay tuned for more updates as the High End unfolds.

Best regards


1 comment:

  1. Guten Morgen,sehr schoene Musik beim Soundcheck,wie heissen die Scheiben?Euch eine schoene Zeit in Muenchen und jede Menge Spass!
    Viele Gruesse,Peter
