Sunday, March 12, 2023

The New D3a Phono Stage - Part 3


In part 2 about the new D3a phono stage I promised to show a few more photos from the inside.

In the meantime some missing chassis parts arrived and the phono section is complete. Next step will be to build the external power supply in the same style.

In the last post I showed this stage of the assembly:

A subassembly with the tubes, LCR modules and some transformers will be placed into the empty space.

The inside completely assembled, wired and tested:

Top side:

The bottom with preliminary feet. Some suitable metal feet are being manufactured.

The tubes can be easily accessed via the lid at the top:

A minimalistic design was chosen on purpose for a discreet look.

Stay tuned for part 4 for an update about the assembly of the power supply

Best regards


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