Monday, November 9, 2015

211 -The next Generation- Part 16 : 801A/211 Towers


The 'tower' version of the 211 mono blocks with 801A drivers have been almost finished since a while. The assembly process was already shown in part 12 of this series. The only thing missing was the enclosures. Now these are done and I can show the  final look of the amps.

The chassis have a footprint of 305*305mm and have an overall height of about 60cm. Here one of the amplifier sections:

One of the power supplies:

One channel, amplifier and power supply:

The entire set of 4 chassis:

Another view:

The backside showing all the connections:

Top view:

Some close ups:

The amps in operation:

Contact me if you are interested in such a set of 211 amplifiers. I only have one pair of the Tango output transformers for these left. But if that pair is used up, it will not be the end of 801A/211 amplifiers. A pair of output transformers is already in the works at Tribute transformers.

I will bring these amps to the ETF in Denmark which starts this week Thursday. I also plan to use them as demo amps during next years High End fair in Munich.

Best regards


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