Thursday, November 12, 2015

Live from Denmark : ETF 2015 - Part 1 : Arrival


The 2015 Triodefestival has started! This year it is hosted by the Danish gang. It is taking please at Sankt Helene, in Tisvildeleje, Denmark.

As mentioned in the last post about the 801A/211 tower amps, these will have their debut in Denmark. The car was quite heavily loaded with these beasts:

Phil from Switzerland joined my for the long ride of about 1300km which took us one and a half days with a stop over in Flensburg were we enjoyed some of the local beer yesterday evening. This morning the journey to Denmark continued.

We took the route over the Stoerebaelt bridge.

We arrived at Sankt Helene around linch time. It is a beautiful venue located north of Copenhagen, quite near to the sea front. 

The main entrance:


As in previous years the whole venue is booked just for us crazy nerds.

The parking lot is still empty as most attendees are still on the road.

Upon arrival we were warmly welcomed.

Arriving early has the advantage to be able to pick a nice spot in one of the rooms for the various systems.

The main system which will be used for the shootout is already in preparation:

Stay tuned for updates about ETF 2015!

Best regards



  1. Looks like it will be great fun -- and you are lucky with the weather: November days in Denmark are not usually so sunny!

  2. I will make this trip one day. ETF always looks great.
