This months tube is a high transconductance pentode designed for wide band amplifier applications, the E810F.
As the intended application implies, this tube was mainly used for very high frequencies in the hundreds of MHz, but can be used for audio frequencies as well.

Here we have a Valvo E810F:
Some close ups:
The plate is composed of several pieces.
Gold plated pins:
The tip:
A Philips branded E810F:
US military designation number added to the box of these:
Philips E810F marking on one side:
And the SQ special quality on the other:
Construction is the same as the Valvo above.
Some close ups:
Also with gold pins:
But not all of them had the gold plating, I also have some Philips E810F with regular pins:
Let's have a closer look inside:
Once the glass is broken, the getter starts to react with the air:
And is completely gone after a few minutes:
The tube without the glass obstructing the view:
Close up, showing the heater spiral:
Removing the heater:
The bottom:
Getter ring:
Here the several pieces of the plate can be seen.
Only the narrow stripe close to the cathode is actually serving as plate surface:
Here part of the plate is bent away to give a look at the beam forming plate (g3) and the other grids (hardly visible de to their thinness):
One piece of the plate:
Here we get a better view of the grids
Close up:
Here we already get an impression of the extremely fine grids. The more coarsely wound screen grid with black coating and the actual control grid beneath.
Some extreme close ups:
A human hair in comparison:
What a marvellous piece of vacuum tube engineering!
Best regards
A reader of my blog kindly provided this photo of Telefunken branded E810Fs:
Thanks to 'Wagtbtoobz' for the photo and this additional information:
All Telefunken and Mullard branded E810F were manufactured by Philips.