As promised in last months article about the 6SF5, this months tube is a very different one. A 9 pin miniature UHF mixer and amplifier triode, the 6AM4.
This is a tiny little tube. Certainly the smallest tube I have ever used. But it's quite impressive nonetheless.

As expected, the curves are not as evenly spaced as those of the recently presented tubes. But if the right operating point is chosen in the most linear region and if used to amplify the tiny signals of a phono cartridge, very usable for audio. Below the curves of an actual tube taken with a tracer:
Still looks pretty neat. Just pick a good op point. Give it some current and make sure the grid keeps some distance from 0V and stay away fro saturation. Perfectly fine for a phono stage and that is what I used it for. Below a photo of a two stage transformer coupled LCR RIAA with the 6AM4:
Those little tubes are almost lost on the preamp. Here a photo of a 6AM4 next to a EC8020 in comparison:
I have also used the 6AM4 in RC coupled RIAA stages with good results. A very usable tube. I'd only avoid applications which require large signal swing like power tube drivers and even line preamps. I prefer to keep them in phono sections only.
Availability of the 6AM4 is still good as it was manufactured by most of the big tube companies. Especially General Electric made them in some varieties.
These were packaged as service parts:
An older style GE packaging:
The military used the 6AM4 too, here a GE 6AM4 in plain military packaging:
Made by Sylvania:
A Zenith branded 6AM4 probably made by Sylvania:
Philco branded:
Dumont, probably made by RCA or GE:
Here some shots of a GE 6AM4 showing some of the construction details:
Contrary to most tubes, the triode structure is mounted horizontally.
To get a better view of the internals, the glass has to be removed:
The photo above shows the connection of the heater to the pins. A close up of the tiny cathode:
The silver metal pieces on both sides connect all the grid pins to the grid:
This silver strap connects the plate:
The heater wire partly removed from the cathode:
The heater wire completely removed:
Unfortunately the grid got wrecked when I removed it from the plate:
Gold grid wires!
The plate:
Note the shape of the plate, the middle section narrows to about 1mm. This was necessary to achieve the high transconductance and amplification factor:
The cathode:
The next photo shows the scale of cathode and grid:
This tube is a magnificent piece of precision engineering. Hope you enjoyed this tube presentation.
Best regards
Hi Thomas. Thanks for presenting the tubes!
ReplyDeleteIf the tubes are already measured with a curve tracer, it would be fine to have -Ug step, Ia window and Va window?
There is no point to publish just the picture without the main datas... For instance if we want to make spice model based on measurements datas.
Thanks! :)
Hi Zoran, there are the data sheet curves with the values. There is no point to create a spice model based on measurements of a single tube as these can vary a lot between samples. So if you want to create meaningful models you need to measure a whole set of tubes. The screen shot is just for visualisation
ReplyDeleteWhat about Delco Radio 6AM4's I gave an original 5 pack. Are these rare?